Flamingo Chicks
Flamingo Chicks is a multi-award winning charity and inclusive community giving disabled and ill children the opportunity to explore movement through dance.

Project Overview
Flamingo Chicks are looking to raise £20,000 to deliver, support, train and advocates that will break down barriers to inclusion whilst getting disabled children dancing! There are looking to reach 7500 children through; inclusive and immersive regular dance classes for disabled children, 100 workshops, 1 tour and 1 virtual class promoting health and wellbeing, social inclusion and access.
They are already experiencing a record high in demand with 7,371 children through their sessions (up by 32%) and have managed a 74% increase in the number of workshops delivered along with regular classes up by 52%. They want to support 30 parents and carers of disabled children through 2 educational events including Makaton training, reducing inequalities and improving communication. There plan is to train 30 others organisation to share excellent practice – including mainstream dance teachers, health, education and social care professionals. Upskilling intergenerational volunteers, particularly encouraging socially isolated, older and disabled volunteers to volunteer at our charity, learning new skills. Activity to include tea dances bringing care home residents and children together for carefree afternoons of dance, music and friendship and care home art workshops for residents: making sensory props with knitting and crochet and painting back drops to brighten classes.
They also want to provide work experience 10 xpost-16 disabled students in Bristol, 20 Agents of Change and 2 adults who have learning disabilities. With powerful campaigns - 6 x Youth Council meetings open to 40 change-makers plus VIP guests, breaking down barriers to inclusion and fighting for a fair future for disabled children.
Check out the live projects we're supporting

Sight Life Visually Impaired Photographers
Sight Life photography group, composed of blind and partially sighted individuals, has developed into a vibrant and creative community over the years. The members of this group have not only found a powerful means of self-expression through photography but have also produced works of exceptional quality that have been displayed at various exhibitions across Cardiff.

The Send Dynamic
Our aim is that parents of children with SEND will be empowered to understand their children’s rights and how to navigate the SEND education, health, and care system. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel and will always signpost you to other free services where they exist. We aim to make sure that everyone knows where to go for the best information and advice that is impartial and free.

WellChild Community helping hands project
We are delighted to announce that WellChild’s next Community Helping Hands Project will be delivered at the Llandough Children’s Assessment Centre (LCAC), which is part of the University Hospital Llandough.