Blue Bear Coffee
Blue Bear Coffee Tombland are launching their new coffee shop in Norwich. All profits will be going to help them continue their mission of expanding their education programme and increasing their capacity to provide aftercare to survivors of human trafficking and exploitation. They are raising money for a very important piece of equipment, a coffee machine, please help if you can.

Project Overview
Blue Bear Coffee Co. is the trading name of The Justice Business CIC, a social enterprise founded with the singular objective of fighting slavery, through coffee. They are an anti-slavery organisation that supplies ethically sourced coffee to individuals and businesses as a means of generating sustainable funding to effective programs around the world protecting, equipping and empowering survivors of modern slavery. Blue Bear Coffee Co. was launched in 2018 from a crowd funding campaign that generated a seed fund of £7000. To date, Blue Bear has donated over £50,000 to projects aligned with thier mission.
In 2022, they launched Blue Bear Freedom in the UK, a registered charity that provides long term aftercare to children rescued from human trafficking and provides a preventative education programme to primary schools across the UK and with partners delivering translated programme in five different countries around the world.
This summer Blue Bear are launching a coffee shop in Norwich City Centre (Blue Bear Coffee Tombland). There application is to fund the most important piece of equipment, a coffee machine, they will be using fundraising to raise most of the money for the new shop. Bryn, who heads up the program works for free with a consultancy business on the side. I would encourage you to watch the 2 min video on their Crowdfunding page below.
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The Send Dynamic
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