Ashbourne Swimming Club
We are a dedicated community-based swimming club, committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for local children and young adults to train, develop, and compete. Our ethos is one of inclusivity, encouragement, and openness, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds and abilities. We help to build the foundations for our swimmers to take on their dreams.

Project Overview
Through our tireless efforts, we offer excellent coaching, mentoring, and a secure environment across our four weekly training session sheld at the local council-run facilities. These sessions not only foster swimming skills but also contribute significantly to the mental, physical, and social well-being of our participants. You can not under estimate how valuable and appreciated our club is to young people and their families.
Why are we crowdfunding?
The escalating costs associated with hiring the pool,maintaining insurances, compensating coaches, and managing the club'sday-to-day operations have placed us in a precarious position. Despite beingpredominantly volunteer-run and relying heavily on member contributions, wefind ourselves struggling to cover these expenses. Our club serves as a vitalanchor for local youth, offering a constructive outlet and promoting healthylifestyles. However, to continue this invaluable work, we urgently require additionalresources. Your support would enable us to procure essential equipment, hire anadditional coach, and develop our own merchandise, not only enhancing ourclub's profile but also generating crucial revenue.
Check out the live projects we're supporting

Sight Life Visually Impaired Photographers
Sight Life photography group, composed of blind and partially sighted individuals, has developed into a vibrant and creative community over the years. The members of this group have not only found a powerful means of self-expression through photography but have also produced works of exceptional quality that have been displayed at various exhibitions across Cardiff.

The Send Dynamic
Our aim is that parents of children with SEND will be empowered to understand their children’s rights and how to navigate the SEND education, health, and care system. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel and will always signpost you to other free services where they exist. We aim to make sure that everyone knows where to go for the best information and advice that is impartial and free.

WellChild Community helping hands project
We are delighted to announce that WellChild’s next Community Helping Hands Project will be delivered at the Llandough Children’s Assessment Centre (LCAC), which is part of the University Hospital Llandough.